Letter to Baby C #4 Before Her Birth

Dear Daughter,

How did I get so lucky? Every one of my kids is so special, and now we get you?!? You’re coming to meet us soon. I can feel your kicks and wiggles every day and even right now. I wonder what your personality will be like. From knowing your siblings, I know without a doubt that it will be a distinct one. Will you have dark hair like daddy? Light hair like me? Red-brown hair like KLC? Hair color is a small part of life, but it’s fun to imagine the ways you will be physically, mentally and emotionally both tied to us and unique. You will certainly be your own person.

One way you are fitting into the family mold is that you are happy with plenty of time to bake. Your due/guess date was yesterday. Not one of my babies has been born before his or her due date. X came the next day at 40 +1. Your sisters both came after 41 weeks. I’m not sure I want to wait that long this time. We will see! I’d love for you to choose your own timeline.

With your siblings, I think I focused on the pregnancy itself more than this time. This time, my focus was on surviving the coronavirus pandemic and transitioning our crew from Georgia to Tennessee, where you will be born. We bought our very first house six week ago. I was anxious to find a place for us all to settle and thrive. I have been ready for a house and roots and a community to be a part of. Along with unpacking the kitchen and the other basics, I focused on our master bedroom as a project that I could prepare for our place of rest and recovery from birth. It’s not perfect but there are curtains and bedding and cute lamps. Your crib is sweet, and we have our glider to rock you along with a brand new quilt, purchased by a group of my friends from throughout the years who are cheering you along the journey.

I was built to be a nurturer, and I get to do it one more time with you from birth! I love the newborn days. I have nothing I will need to do but recover physically from birth and take care of your needs. I hope to interact with your sisters and brother and father, no doubt, but you will be my priority as we welcome you into this home.

I also am so blessed to get to continue to love you as you grow and to continue caring for your siblings. I won’t pretend that caring for four kids will be simple, but it’s a joyful problem to solve. One thing that is different with this birth is that the big kids are just that: big! Both KLC and X are older than KLC was when LF joined us. At 8 and 6, I look forward to seeing how they interact with you and the ways each child contributes to the family and the running of the household. Already, they love seeing your car seat in the mini van, and LF feels SO proud that it is right beside her car seat. LF is 3, and she has insisted that she is NOT the baby since she learned that I had a new baby growing inside me. She points to my belly and says assuredly that YOU are the baby. She is a big girl.

Nana is here to help run the house right now, and Grandpa will come when you’re born. Soon after that, we hope to see GG and Granddad. They do have one complicating factor that they also want to be in middle Tennessee for the impending birth of your cousin! I’m so curious how close in age you will end up being. For sure you will both be born in May 2021! And your other cousin on that side is not yet one. Our family gatherings will be lively for years to come!

Don’t forget that you also have cousins to welcome you on my side: big cousins J and A, younger cousins P and B, and two who will ALSO be the same school year as you! It’s a baby boom! Baby G was born last November, and a baby girl is coming in July!

Graduating senior celebrations in 2039 will be a blast!!!

OK these are a few of my pre-birth thoughts for you. I could go on and on, but it’s time for a cup of decaf as your sister and brother get off to school. I will walk with them and Nana to the bus stop. Later this morning, daddy and I will go for lunch and a doctor’s appointment to check on you!

We love you!! See you soon!



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